contact options

Fon & WhatsApp:

+49 (0) 30 765 89 332 

phone hours:
Mo. - Fr.: 2PM - 7PM


Mariendorfer Damm 401, 12107 Berlin (Mariendorf)

Info: We are located at the top floor (4), no elevator. Parking is limited in surrounding area.

Wir freuen uns, dass Sie Kontakt zu uns aufnehmen möchten.

phone hours:
Mo.- Fr.: 2PM - 7PM

dog boarding
Check-In and Check-Out - Monday- Sunday 
Check-in und Check-out: 2PM until 7 PM

You may send us an email or use the get to know contact from.

We do not have any vacancies or optional internships at this time.

Please read our Terms and Conditions as well as Privacy Policy (data protection)