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Love Letter to Ludwig

Dear Ludwig,

We hope this letter finds you wagging your behind (since you do not have a tail) and feeling loved. From the moment we met you, we knew that you were something special. Your cute nose, those big brown eyes, and that amazingly soft coat of yours stole our heart instantly.

We want you to know that you are more than just a pet to us. You are a loyal companion who brings joy and happiness into our lives every single day. Your unconditional love and unwavering devotion make our heart swell with gratitude and affection.

Whenever we come home, you are always there to greet us with a dance and wet nose. Your enthusiasm for life and unbridled excitement at the simplest things make us smile and remind us of the beauty in every moment.

We are so grateful to have you in our life, and we promise to always take care of you and love you with all of our hearts. You are the most adorable and loyal friend anyone could ever ask for, and we feel so lucky to call you ours.

Thank you for being our constant source of love, comfort, and companionship. We love you to the moon and back, our precious little pup.

With Love

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